A thought on green and why to shop with us.
Everyone can understand that our planet desperately needs changes when it comes to reducing chemicals and waste. But how many of us actually take steps that help keeping our environment cleaner? Money is powerful. Every time we buy something we contribute to creation of something. We literally help to (re)produce with every purchase. While food and beverage package are the nr 1 consumer waste in the world, the personal hygiene follows straight after. Green hygiene means swopping your shampoo and shower gel to a hard soap bar or filling a reusable bottle. It is also tooth washing tablets in glass jar, it´s reusable razor with metal blades instead of plastic razors. But what about menstrual care products? One way to think green as a woman is to become aware of the package, plastic and chemically treated cotton coming from monthly periods and taking steps to minimize this. You can choose a menstrual cup or period panties and not create tons of waste during your fertile life. Thinking green is not enough. We need actions to make environmental responsibility a reality. You can do that with your money, each purchase counts.

Femtech Team